Schedule a course

Category C+E

The course consists of 25 hours of practical classes. We conduct practical classes 7 days a week from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Included in the course price
  • trial exams included in the course price
  • training area

Course description

COURSE CATEGORY C+Econsists of 25 hours of practical classes. The days of theoretical classes are agreed together with the group so that the dates are convenient for each participant. Hours for practical classes are 6am-10pm, 7 days a week. We are flexible and we adapt the deadlines to our students!

The training is conducted on vehiclesMAN TGL andDAF LF 55|| |217 z TRAILER.

​A person who is over 21 years old can start the training.

Institution Register Training

Our Auto School is entered in the Register of Training Institutions and can conduct training for categories C, C+E and qualifications from the District Labor Office. 

The training can be attended by both unemployed people registered in the PUP and employees of companies who submit an application under the National Training Fund. 

We help you complete all necessary documents to the office, we present training offers. Welcome to our offices 🙂

Driver Candidate Profile

Currently, every person who wants to obtain a driving license must obtain a Driver Candidate Profile. The following are necessary to create a profile:

  • orzeczenie lekarskie i psychologiczne o braku przeciwwskazań do kierowania pojazdami
  • dokument tożsamości
  • kolorowa fotografia do prawo jazdy
  • w przypadku osób niepełnoletnich zgoda rodzica lub opiekuna

The profile should be obtained at your Communication Department/Starostwo based on your place of residence:

  • Łódź ul. Smugowa 26a
  • Zgierz ul. Długa 49


We organize a medical examination for our students inauto-szkola.